DIY - Magic Cough Rub


When I became a first-time Mamacita my perspective changed in so many ways. I became more aware of the things I never worried about in the past, especially our health. Back then, when my daughter caught a common cold, a cough, or the occasional fever, I would freak out. I was the Mamacita who raced to the doctor the moment she had the sniffles. One day after getting home from the doctor's office, I was venting to a friend and asked if it was normal for my kid to get a cold and cough often, especially because she was so little. After assuring me that it was normal, she said, “G, stop worrying so much, all babies get sick. What you need to do is stop taking her to the doctor so much because you are exposing her to a ton of germs every time you visit.” She was so right, why was I taking her in so much anyway? Every time I took her to the doctor, they wouldn’t magically make the sniffles or cough go away, they would say that she was fine and would have to ride out whatever bug she was fighting at home.

I stopped racing to the doctor's office after that. My friend had been using essential oils for some time and I asked her how I could incorporate them into our lives. She taught me how they could help with some of the ailments my daughter experienced, and since then, essential oils have been part of our lives. Now, if one of my kids gets sick, I reach for my oils first. This doesn’t mean I don’t use traditional medicine - you better believe I will grab the Tylenol if one of my kids spikes a fever but I do try to take a holistic approach first.  

I discovered a recipe a few years ago that is my holy grail for coughs, colds, and mild fevers. I like to call it my Magic Cough Rub, it’s all-natural and 100% organic. This rub to me is what the infamous Vick’s Vapor Rub and U-Tri were to our parents growing up. It contains some powerful essential oils that help aid with congestion, inflammation, coughs, colds, and so much more. During the winter months, this rub is a staple on my nightstand. The moment I hear my kids start to cough, I grab my rub, massage a scoop on their chest, back, and bottoms of their feet and within minutes they are back asleep. Even my non-believing husband will tell me to grab the rub when he hears one of the kids' cough. Through the years, I have gifted this to family and friends and get the same response about its effectiveness.


Below is the recipe and the how-to instructions.


Medium sized pot

Heatproof metal or glass bowl

3 - 1oz glass jars or one (1) - 4oz jar


1/2 cup Coconut Oil

2 tbsp. Beeswax

Eucalyptus Globulus - 20 drops

Peppermint - 20 drops

Rosemary - 10 drops

Clove - 10 drops

Copaiba - 10 drops

Aside from the essential oils, I pick up all other ingredients from Amazon (my storefront is linked here for easy reference).  The essential oils are from Young Living, I don’t buy any other brand but YL.


Fill your medium sized pot with water (about half full) and place over medium heat.  Place your heatproof bowl on top of the pot.  Melt the Beeswax and Coconut Oil.  Once your ingredients are melted, remove bowl from pot and place on a hard surface.  Add the essential oils.  Stir with a spoon to mix the ingredients.  We have to move a bit quickly here because as the ingredients start to cool, the solve will start to harden.

After stirring solve, pour into a glass jar, cover and refrigerate for about 4 hours.  The batch should be able to fill 2-3 of these glass jars.  If you want to buy a bigger jar to pour the entire batch of solve in one, you could do that too.  

Apply to feet, chest, and back when desired.

If you try this recipe, I hope it provides the same powerful benefits for you as it does for us.  Let us know in the comments if you did try this out or if you have any questions. 

Xoxo - G